How to get unstuck with your workout routine

How to get unstuck with your workout routine

Common Barriers and Proactive Solutions

Time Constraints

Barrier: There's a widespread belief that effective workouts require big chunks of time – a luxury not everyone can afford in their busy schedules.


  • Schedule your gym time as you would any important appointment. Treat it as non-negotiable.
  • Opt for high-intensity interval training (HIIT) that maximizes benefits in shorter periods.
  • Split your workout into multiple short sessions throughout the day if one long session isn't possible.

Lack of Energy

Barrier: Fatigue after a long day can dampen the most well-intended plans to hit the gym.


  • Adjust your workout schedule to when you feel most energetic, perhaps in the morning or during a lunch break.
  • Ensure you're fueling your body with the right nutrients and getting quality sleep to maintain energy levels.
  • Keep your gym bag packed and ready with energizing snacks like bananas or protein bars to beat the slump.

Motivation Wanes

Barrier: Some days you just don’t “feel like it,” and motivation dips without a clear reason.


  • Set up a system of accountability, like a gym buddy or personal trainer sessions, on days you're likely to fall off.
  • Have a motivational ritual before workouts, like reading inspirational quotes or visualizing your goals to rekindle your drive.
  • Create a workout playlist with songs that pump you up and get you into a workout-ready state of mind.

Bad Weather

Barrier: Inclement weather like heavy rain or snow can derail plans to venture out to the gym.


  • Have a backup plan for working out at home with online classes, apps, or even a simple bodyweight circuit.
  • Invest in weather-appropriate gear so a rainy or chilly day won’t keep you from heading out.
  • If you drive, keep extra clothing options in your car, so you’re prepared for the weather's unpredictability.

Social Obligations

Barrier: Last-minute social invites can compete with gym time.


  • Communicate your commitment to your fitness goals with friends and family so they can support your routine.
  • Integrate socialization with your workout, like attending fitness classes with a friend or organizing active group outings.
  • Learn to gracefully decline invites that conflict with your gym time, or propose a rescheduling so you can attend post-workout.

Gym Intimidation

Barrier: For beginners or those returning after a break, the gym environment can sometimes feel daunting.


  • Familiarize yourself with the gym during off-peak hours when it's less crowded.
  • Book a session or two with a personal trainer to build confidence and get a tailored workout plan.
  • Start with machines or exercises you're comfortable with, then gradually expand your repertoire as your confidence grows.

Tracking Progress

Barrier: Not seeing immediate results can be disheartening, leading to a drop in motivation.


  • Set short-term, achievable goals to mark progress and small wins that lead to bigger results.
  • Keep a workout journal or use an app to track your progress and celebrate improvements in performance or technique.
  • Periodically reassess your fitness milestones and make adjustments as needed to stay challenged and engaged.

Being Realistic and Adaptable

It's important to recognize that barriers will inevitably arise, but they don't have to mean the end of your fitness journey. Being realistic with your expectations means accepting that sometimes life will get in the way, and that's okay. What's crucial is having the adaptability to bounce back. By anticipating these challenges and having a flexible mindset, you can ensure that these barriers don't become dead ends, but instead, stepping stones to a stronger, more resilient fitness practice.